Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

DEATH RACE 2 ( 2010 )

Dated Released : 27 December 2010
Quality : DVDRip 6CH
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Danny Trejo, Sean Bean, Lauren Cohan
Genre : Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller


In 2012, private corporations now own and manage the prison systems. Getaway driver Carl "Luke" Lucas (Luke Goss) is arrested after a robbery gone bad for his crime boss Markus Kane (Sean Bean). As his accomplices are robbing the bank, two officers come in. Luke tells them to abort, but they refuse; Luke intervenes, but it results in the death of one of the three accomplices. Luke shoots and kills one of the officers and drops off his accomplices in order to fulfill Markus's wishes. In doing so, Luke is captured by the police following a high-speed chase and convicted to Terminal Island.

Terminal Island is under the control of The Weyland Corporation, which hosts Death Match, a competition where two dangerous convicts fight to the death or submission and can access weapons to use in the fight by stepping on a plate. Luke meets Lists (Frederick Koehler), who annoys him by over-analyzing everything, Goldberg (Danny Trejo), Rocco (Joe Vaz). Hosting Death Match is September Jones (Lauren Cohan), a former Miss Universe who lost her crown due to allegations of having a sexual relationship with one of its judges. She now works for The Weyland Corporation to create profit from the pay per view subscribers of Death Match. When a convict tries to stab Lists (because of his nature and weakness, as he was convicted only of conning), Luke defends him.

Luke is approached in the showers by September, who proposes that he fight. When he refuses, she makes sexual advances towards him, which he pretends to go before refusing. As revenge, September picks Lists to fight the convict who tried to stab him earlier. When Luke confronts her while Lists is running during the event, she refuses to help and he jumps over a barbed fence to fights for Lists. He is joined by Katrina Banks (Tanit Phoenix), a woman convict who is serving as a ring girl with other women convicts, who hits the convict with the round number sign made of metal. A riot breaks out during the fight between Luke and the convict because of racism, as Luke is white and the other convict is black. The convicts break down the fence to get in, and some of the rapists attack and attempt to rape female convicts. Katrina defends herself and helps the other women, who are then evacuated. The riot control guards come and Luke surrenders. Markus, worried that Luke will trade info on his crimes for immunity, discovers his location at Terminal Island. Afterwards, Luke sees Katrina.


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THE BANK JOB ( 2008 )

Date Released : 7 March 2008
Quality : R5
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jason Statham
Genre : Crime | Drama | Thriller
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Terry Leather (Jason Statham) merupakan seorang pedagang mobil yang punya masa lalu buruk. Setelah menikah, Terry memutuskan untuk meninggalkan masa lalunya dan memulai hidup baru. Suatu hari Martine Love (Saffron Burrows), mantan kekasih Terry datang menawarkan sebuah 'pekerjaan' yaitu merancang sebuah perampokan bank di Baker Street London.

Karena Terry sedang membutuhkan uang, ia akhirnya menyetujui tawaran tersebut. Terry kemudian menghubungi Dave Shilling (Daniel Mays) dan Kevin Swain (Stephen Campbell Moore) dan menyusun rencana untuk membobol lemari besi bank itu. Mereka membuat rencana dengan menggali terowongan untuk menembus lantai lemari besi bank tersebut.

Namun tanpa disadari ternyata Martine terlibat dengan pihak lain yang menghendaki perampokan itu berjalan lancar. Apakah mereka berhasil menjalankan rencana tersebut?

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MACBETH ( 2010 )

Dated Released : 6 October 2010
Quality : HDTV
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Oliver Burch, Suzanne Burden, Ben Carpenter
Genre : Drama


The 2010 television version of Macbeth was broadcast on BBC Four on 12th December 2010 directed by Rupert Goold from his stage adaptation for the Chichester Festival Theatre in 2007. It starred Patrick Stewart in the title role with Kate Fleetwood as Lady Macbeth. It used Soviet-era Russian-type uniforms and weapons, or similar, including AK47s, but keeps the original Scottish place names and personal names. It was filmed entirely on location at Welbeck Abbey. The three witches wear nurses' uniforms.


Macbeth adalah seorang jendral di bawah pemerintahan raja Skotlandia Duncan I. Pada suatu hari ia dan temannya Banquo bertemu dengan tiga tukang sihir yang meramalkan bahwa Macbeth bakal menjadi raja suatu hari, dan Banquo walaupun tidak akan menjadi raja tapi akan memperanakkan raja-raja.
Ketika Macbeth pulang dan memberitakan hal ini kepada istrinya Lady Macbeth, ia segera menyusun rencana untuk membunuh Duncan yang akan berkunjung dan menginap di rumah mereka. Setelah menjadi raja, Macbeth juga takut bahwa Banquo akan membocorkan rahasia tentang ketiga tukang sihir, dan memerintahkan ia dibunuh juga.
Sementara itu seorang jendral lain yang bernama Macduff menjadi curiga akan tingkah laku Macbeth yang menampakkan gejala-gejala ketakutan dan rasa bersalah. Ia kemudian bergabung dengan Malcolm dan Donalbain, kedua anak Duncan yang juga merasa curiga.
Perasaan takut Macbeth mendorongnya untuk mencari tukang-tukang sihir itu lagi, dan kali ini mereka meramalkan bahwa Macbeth akan tetap hidup "sampai hutan Great Birnam datang ke bukit Dunsinane". Selain itu, juga bahwa Macbeth tidak akan dibunuh oleh seorang yang dilahirkan dari seorang wanita. Berpikir bahwa ini hal yang mustahil, Macbeth menjadi sombong dan puas akan jawaban ini. Tapi Lady Macbeth akhirnya tidak kuat lagi dan menjadi gila. Terutama ia merasa bahwa ada noda darah di tangannya yang tidak mau hilang walaupun dicuci berkali-kali.
Malcolm dan Macduff pergi ke Inggris dan merencanakan kudeta untuk membunuh Macbeth. Mereka akhirnya menyerang puri Macbeth dengan sekelompok prajurit, sambil membawa pucuk-pucuk pohon dari hutan Great Birnam sebagai samaran (hutan Birnam datang ke bukit Dunsinane). Macduff berhasil memaksa Macbeth untuk berduel dengannya. Macbeth masih merasa sombong karena berdasarkan ramalan tukang-tukang sihir, ia tidak akan pernah dibunuh oleh "seseorang yang dilahirkan dari seorang wanita". Tetapi Macduff menjawab bahwa ia "diambil dari rahim ibunya" (dengan operasi caesar). Akhirnya Macduff berhasil memotong kepala Macbeth dan menyerahkan tahta kerajaan kepada Malcolm.

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Dated Released : 11 October 2009
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Laura Silverman, Ted Beck, Edrick Browne
Genre : Comedy
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