Kamis, 30 Desember 2010


Dated Released : 8 October 2010
Quality : CAM [Kualitas Sangat Buruk]
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1028576/
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Diane Lane, Scott Glenn, James Cromwell
Genre : Drama | Family | History | Sport

Pacuan kuda adalah dunianya pria. Tak ada wanita yang bisa menembus dunia ini sampai Penny Chenery (Diane Lane) memberanikan diri masuk ke dunia yang sama sekali asing baginya ini. Bukan cuma bisa menembus dominasi pria namun Penny juga berhasil mengantarkan kudanya menjadi kuda paling legendaris di Amerika Serikat sampai saat ini.

Penny Chenery tak punya banyak pilihan selain menerima tawaran untuk mengambil alih Meadow Stable milik ayahnya yang sedang sakit-sakitan. Saat diambil alih Penny kondisi keuangan Meadow Stable sendiri sebenarnya jauh dari kata sempurna namun itu tak menghalangi tekad Penny. Dengan segala upaya, Penny akhirnya bisa merawat Secretariat, seekor kuda balap yang punya peluang menjadi sang juara.

Tentu saja Penny tak bisa bekerja sendiri dan di sinilah peran Lucien Laurin (John Malkovich) dan Ron Turcotte (Otto Thorwarth) muncul. Lucien Laurin adalah seorang pelatih kuda berpengalaman yang yakin kalau Secretariat punya peluang besar. Nyatanya, kuda balap yang satu ini memang berhasil menjadi kuda pertama dalam 25 tahun yang berhasil meraih Triple Crown.


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Rabu, 29 Desember 2010


Dated Released : 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info : .imdb.com/title/tt1465519/
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Ving Rhames, Nipsey Hussle, Gillie Da Kid
Genre : Action

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Dated Released : 22 December 2010
Quality : TS [Kualitas Masih Buruk]
Info : imdb.com/title/tt0970866/
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Ben Stiller, Teri Polo, Robert De Niro
Genre : Comedy


Sepuluh tahun sudah Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) berusaha meyakinkan Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro), mertuanya, bahwa ia bisa menjadi seorang kepala rumah tangga yang baik. Sayangnya, tahun-tahun yang lewat ini seolah jadi sia-sia karena Jack seolah masih tak percaya sementara di sisi lain Greg sendiri pun mulai meragukan apa yang ia yakini sebelumnya.

Melihat dua anaknya yang sedang bermain, Greg mulai merasa khawatir kalau ia tak akan mampu menjadi seorang ayah yang baik buat dua anak kembar ini. Masalah jadi semakin rumit karena Greg juga belum berhasil mendapatkan pekerjaan yang cukup layak untuk menghidupi keluarganya.

Jack yang mencium gelagat buruk ini pun akhirnya merasa curiga dan menjalankan serangkaian aksi untuk mencari tahu apa yang terjadi pada Greg. Masalahnya, mampukah Greg membuktikan kalau ia adalah kepala rumah tangga yang baik sementara ia sendiri sedang menghadapi krisis kepercayaan diri?


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Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

DEATH RACE 2 ( 2010 )

Dated Released : 27 December 2010
Quality : DVDRip 6CH
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1500491/
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Danny Trejo, Sean Bean, Lauren Cohan
Genre : Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller


In 2012, private corporations now own and manage the prison systems. Getaway driver Carl "Luke" Lucas (Luke Goss) is arrested after a robbery gone bad for his crime boss Markus Kane (Sean Bean). As his accomplices are robbing the bank, two officers come in. Luke tells them to abort, but they refuse; Luke intervenes, but it results in the death of one of the three accomplices. Luke shoots and kills one of the officers and drops off his accomplices in order to fulfill Markus's wishes. In doing so, Luke is captured by the police following a high-speed chase and convicted to Terminal Island.

Terminal Island is under the control of The Weyland Corporation, which hosts Death Match, a competition where two dangerous convicts fight to the death or submission and can access weapons to use in the fight by stepping on a plate. Luke meets Lists (Frederick Koehler), who annoys him by over-analyzing everything, Goldberg (Danny Trejo), Rocco (Joe Vaz). Hosting Death Match is September Jones (Lauren Cohan), a former Miss Universe who lost her crown due to allegations of having a sexual relationship with one of its judges. She now works for The Weyland Corporation to create profit from the pay per view subscribers of Death Match. When a convict tries to stab Lists (because of his nature and weakness, as he was convicted only of conning), Luke defends him.

Luke is approached in the showers by September, who proposes that he fight. When he refuses, she makes sexual advances towards him, which he pretends to go before refusing. As revenge, September picks Lists to fight the convict who tried to stab him earlier. When Luke confronts her while Lists is running during the event, she refuses to help and he jumps over a barbed fence to fights for Lists. He is joined by Katrina Banks (Tanit Phoenix), a woman convict who is serving as a ring girl with other women convicts, who hits the convict with the round number sign made of metal. A riot breaks out during the fight between Luke and the convict because of racism, as Luke is white and the other convict is black. The convicts break down the fence to get in, and some of the rapists attack and attempt to rape female convicts. Katrina defends herself and helps the other women, who are then evacuated. The riot control guards come and Luke surrenders. Markus, worried that Luke will trade info on his crimes for immunity, discovers his location at Terminal Island. Afterwards, Luke sees Katrina.


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THE BANK JOB ( 2008 )

Date Released : 7 March 2008
Quality : R5
Info : imdb.com/title/tt0200465
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jason Statham
Genre : Crime | Drama | Thriller
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Terry Leather (Jason Statham) merupakan seorang pedagang mobil yang punya masa lalu buruk. Setelah menikah, Terry memutuskan untuk meninggalkan masa lalunya dan memulai hidup baru. Suatu hari Martine Love (Saffron Burrows), mantan kekasih Terry datang menawarkan sebuah 'pekerjaan' yaitu merancang sebuah perampokan bank di Baker Street London.

Karena Terry sedang membutuhkan uang, ia akhirnya menyetujui tawaran tersebut. Terry kemudian menghubungi Dave Shilling (Daniel Mays) dan Kevin Swain (Stephen Campbell Moore) dan menyusun rencana untuk membobol lemari besi bank itu. Mereka membuat rencana dengan menggali terowongan untuk menembus lantai lemari besi bank tersebut.

Namun tanpa disadari ternyata Martine terlibat dengan pihak lain yang menghendaki perampokan itu berjalan lancar. Apakah mereka berhasil menjalankan rencana tersebut?

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MACBETH ( 2010 )

Dated Released : 6 October 2010
Quality : HDTV
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1570337/
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Oliver Burch, Suzanne Burden, Ben Carpenter
Genre : Drama


The 2010 television version of Macbeth was broadcast on BBC Four on 12th December 2010 directed by Rupert Goold from his stage adaptation for the Chichester Festival Theatre in 2007. It starred Patrick Stewart in the title role with Kate Fleetwood as Lady Macbeth. It used Soviet-era Russian-type uniforms and weapons, or similar, including AK47s, but keeps the original Scottish place names and personal names. It was filmed entirely on location at Welbeck Abbey. The three witches wear nurses' uniforms.


Macbeth adalah seorang jendral di bawah pemerintahan raja Skotlandia Duncan I. Pada suatu hari ia dan temannya Banquo bertemu dengan tiga tukang sihir yang meramalkan bahwa Macbeth bakal menjadi raja suatu hari, dan Banquo walaupun tidak akan menjadi raja tapi akan memperanakkan raja-raja.
Ketika Macbeth pulang dan memberitakan hal ini kepada istrinya Lady Macbeth, ia segera menyusun rencana untuk membunuh Duncan yang akan berkunjung dan menginap di rumah mereka. Setelah menjadi raja, Macbeth juga takut bahwa Banquo akan membocorkan rahasia tentang ketiga tukang sihir, dan memerintahkan ia dibunuh juga.
Sementara itu seorang jendral lain yang bernama Macduff menjadi curiga akan tingkah laku Macbeth yang menampakkan gejala-gejala ketakutan dan rasa bersalah. Ia kemudian bergabung dengan Malcolm dan Donalbain, kedua anak Duncan yang juga merasa curiga.
Perasaan takut Macbeth mendorongnya untuk mencari tukang-tukang sihir itu lagi, dan kali ini mereka meramalkan bahwa Macbeth akan tetap hidup "sampai hutan Great Birnam datang ke bukit Dunsinane". Selain itu, juga bahwa Macbeth tidak akan dibunuh oleh seorang yang dilahirkan dari seorang wanita. Berpikir bahwa ini hal yang mustahil, Macbeth menjadi sombong dan puas akan jawaban ini. Tapi Lady Macbeth akhirnya tidak kuat lagi dan menjadi gila. Terutama ia merasa bahwa ada noda darah di tangannya yang tidak mau hilang walaupun dicuci berkali-kali.
Malcolm dan Macduff pergi ke Inggris dan merencanakan kudeta untuk membunuh Macbeth. Mereka akhirnya menyerang puri Macbeth dengan sekelompok prajurit, sambil membawa pucuk-pucuk pohon dari hutan Great Birnam sebagai samaran (hutan Birnam datang ke bukit Dunsinane). Macduff berhasil memaksa Macbeth untuk berduel dengannya. Macbeth masih merasa sombong karena berdasarkan ramalan tukang-tukang sihir, ia tidak akan pernah dibunuh oleh "seseorang yang dilahirkan dari seorang wanita". Tetapi Macduff menjawab bahwa ia "diambil dari rahim ibunya" (dengan operasi caesar). Akhirnya Macduff berhasil memotong kepala Macbeth dan menyerahkan tahta kerajaan kepada Malcolm.

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Dated Released : 11 October 2009
Quality : DVDRip
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1328909/
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Laura Silverman, Ted Beck, Edrick Browne
Genre : Comedy
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Minggu, 26 Desember 2010


Dated Released : 30 July 2010
Quality : BDRip
Info : imdb.com/title/tt0842926/
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Annette Bening, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo
Genre : Comedy | Drama
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bercerita tentang pasangan lesbian yang saling mencintai dan saling komitment , Jules (Julianne Moore) dan Nic (Annette Bening) yang masing-masing melahirkan seorang anak menggunakan sperma donor dengan laki-laki yang sama.

Anak mereka bernama Joni dan laser. Joni yang ibu biologisnya adalah Nic dan Laser yang ibu biologisnya adalah Jules.Ketika anak yang lebih tua, Joni (Mia Wasikowska) berusia 18 tahun maka sang adik Laser (Josh Hutcherson) yang berusia 15 tahun mengajak dia untuk menghubungi bank sperma untuk bertemu dengan ayah biologis mereka, Paul (Mark Rufalo)



Jules (Julianne Moore) and Nic (Annette Bening) are a lesbian couple living in California. It is not made clear if they are legally married, though Jules refers to herself as "married". They have each given birth to a child using the same anonymous sperm donor. Within the relationship, Nic, an obstetrician, is the primary breadwinner and the stricter parent, while Jules is more laid back and lives as a housewife, but, after a business failure, is starting up a landscape business. While the couple is happy, and the family functioning well, it is also clear that their relationship has begun to go stale.
The younger child Laser (Josh Hutcherson) is eager to find his biological father, but has to be 18 to find identity of the sperm donor. However, he begs his 18-year-old sister Joni (Mia Wasikowska) to contact the sperm bank in order to meet their biological father, Paul (Mark Ruffalo). The first meeting goes well. Joni is impressed by his bohemian lifestyle and Paul is enthusiastic about being in their lives. Joni swears Laser to secrecy as she does not want to upset their two mothers. However, Jules and Nic are concerned about Laser's best friend Clay (who uses drugs, torments animals, and does dangerous skateboard tricks) being unsuitable for him, especially if, perhaps, it is a gay relationship. When they question him, he thinks they discovered about Paul, and admits that he and Joni have visited him. Not wanting to be left out of this new development, Jules and Nic invite Paul over to dinner. The atmosphere is awkward but amiable. When Jules reveals that she has a landscape business, Paul offers to let her landscape his back garden. Jules agrees, although Nic does not like the idea.
While working for Paul, Jules likes that he appreciates her work in contrast with the fact that Nic never supported her career. Jules impulsively kisses him one afternoon. They end up in bed together, and begin an affair. Jules is irritated by the smile of her gardener, who suspects something, and fires him. She later realizes that this was not reasonable.
Jules and the kids start spending more time with Paul. Nic believes that Paul undermines her authority over the children, for example by giving Joni a ride on his motorcycle when she has forbidden it and suggesting that she give Joni more freedom. After a heated argument with Jules, Nic suggests that they all have dinner at Paul's house to appease the situation. Things begin to improve, as Nic relaxes and makes a connection with Paul over their mutual love for Joni Mitchell. During the dinner, however, Nic is shocked to discover traces of Jules' hair in Paul's bathroom and bedroom. When they return home, Nic confronts Jules. At first, Jules tries to deny it but then admits to the affair. Nic is devastated, but Jules insists she is not in love with Paul and has not turned straight; she just wanted to be appreciated. The household becomes very tense, with Jules sleeping on the couch. The children are angry at Jules and Paul. Since the relationship between Nic and Jules has deteriorated anyway, Paul suggests to Jules that she leave Nic, bring the kids and come and live with him. Jules passionately declines.
The night before Joni leaves home to go to college, Paul turns up at the house. Nic angrily confronts him, calling him an interloper, and tells him that if he wants a family then he should make one of his own. Following this, Jules addresses her family. She states that "marriage is hard", and tearfully admits her errors and begs for forgiveness. The next morning the entire family brings Joni to her new university. While Nic and Jules together hug Joni to say goodbye they also affectionately touch each other. During the ride home, Laser tells his two moms, "you guys shouldn't break up" because they are both too "old".
Jules and Nic both giggle at Laser's comment and the film ends with them smiling emotionally at each other and touching hands.


  • Annette Bening as Nic, a physician.[9] She is hurt when the children decide to bring Paul into their lives, and worried that he will disrupt the family dynamic; she is Joni's biological mother.
  • Julianne Moore as Jules, who has never had a career but is interested in starting a landscape design business;[9] she is Laser's biological mother
  • Mark Ruffalo as Paul, the owner of a organic foods restaurant who likes women, but also likes his freedom. He was the anonymous sperm donor for both children.
  • Mia Wasikowska as Joni, who has recently turned 18 and is set to leave for college.
  • Josh Hutcherson as Laser, the 15-year-old son who asks Joni to help him meet their biological father.
  • Yaya DaCosta as Tanya, a friend and occasionally lover of Paul's.
  • Tamara Witmer a waitress at Paul's resturant and also one of his random flings.
  • Eddie Hassell as Clay, a friend of Laser; Nic and Jules think he's unstable.
  • Zosia Mamet as Sasha, a friend of Joni.
  • Kunal Sharma as Jai, a friend of Joni.

The Kids Are All Right

Theatrical release poster
Directed by Lisa Cholodenko
Produced by Gary Gilbert
Jordan Horowitz
Celine Rattray
Daniela Taplin Lundberg
Philippe Hellmann
Written by Lisa Cholodenko
Stuart Blumberg
Starring Annette Bening
Julianne Moore
Mark Ruffalo
Mia Wasikowska
Josh Hutcherson
Music by Carter Burwell
Nathan Larson
Craig Wedren
Cinematography Igor Jadue-Lillo
Editing by Jeffrey M. Werner
Studio Mandalay Vision
Antidote Films
Gilbert Films
Distributed by Focus Features
Release date(s) January 25, 2010 (2010-01-25) (Sundance)
July 9, 2010 (2010-07-09) (United States)
Running time 104 minutes[1]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $4 million[2]
Gross revenue $28,956,252
( SUMBER : wikipedia )

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WINTER'S BONE ( 2010 )

Dated Released : 17 September 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1399683/
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jennifer Lawrence, John Hawkes, Garret D
Genre : Drama | Mystery | Thriller
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With an absent father and a withdrawn and depressed mother, 17 year-old Ree Dolly keeps her family together in a dirt poor rural area. She's taken aback however when the local Sheriff tells her that her father put up their house as collateral for his bail and unless he shows up for his trial in a week's time, they will lose it all. She knows her father is involved in the local drug trade and manufactures crystal meth but anywhere she goes the message is the same: stay out of it and stop poking your nose in other people's business. She refuses to listen, even after her father's brother, Teardrop, tells her he's probably been killed. She pushes on, putting her own life in danger, for the sake of her family until the truth, or enough of it, is revealed.

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Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


Tanggal Rilis :21 December 2010
Jenis Film :Fantasy | Thriller
Diperankan Oleh :Jaleel White, Gary Stretch, Robert Picardo

Quality : DVDRip


“Whoever wins… we lose!” atau dalam bahasa kita artinya siapapun yang menang kita yang kalah, cukup bikin penasaran, jangan sampai lewatkan buat  penyuka film fantasy menegangkan 



The Megalodon has survived its battle with the giant octopus from the previous film. But now, a new prehistoric terror is discovered deep in the jungles of Africa.


  • Jaleel White as Dr. McCormick
  • Gary Stretch as Nigel Putnam
  • Sarah Lieving as Agent Hutchinson
  • Robert Picardo as Admiral Calvin
  • Hannah Cowley
  • Robert R. Shafer
  • Gerald Webb as Jean
  • Dylan Vox as CWO Butowski
  • Michael Gaglio as Captain Smalls
  • Jessica Irvine
  • Hannah Cowley as Legatt
  • Steve Mason as an Investigator
  • Robert R. Shafer as Charlie Ross
  • Darin Cooper as Commander Vail


The film was released on DVD on December 21, 2010.

Mega Shark Versus Crocosaurus

Catalog No. 2515/2516
Directed by Christopher Ray
Produced by
Written by Naomi Selfman
Cinematography Alex Yellen
Distributed by The Asylum
Release date(s) December 21, 2010 (2010-12-21)
Running time 90 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Preceded by Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus
 ( sumber : wikipedia )


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FLIPPED ( 2010 )

Dated Released : 10 September 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info : imdb.com/title/tt0817177
Lihat : Trailer
Star : Madeline Carroll, Callan McAuliffe, Rebecca De M
Genre : Comedy | Drama | Romance


When second-graders Bryce and Julianna first meet, Julianna knows it's love. But Bryce isn't so sure. Girl-phobic and easily embarrassed, young Bryce does everything he can to keep his outspoken wanna-be girlfriend at arm's length... for the next six years, which isn't easy since they go to the same school and live across the street from each other.
When they start the sixth grade, Bryce hopes that he can get rid of Julie Baker so he asks the girl Julie hates the most out on a date, Sherry. (this story is narrated by both Bryce and Julie at different times over the same events that happen to show their different feelings and point of view of the situation.) This plan of Bryce's worked for a while up until Bryce's best friend, Garrett takes an interest in Sherry and tells her the truth about Bryce asking her out. Julie finds out Bryce and Sherry broke up and goes back to her regular Bryce-obsessed self.
From Julie's first point of view when she and Bryce first met was that he was just shy and embarrassed and when he "held her hand" she thought she would get her first kiss from him in the second grade. Julie knew that she was flipped from then on. After finding out that Bryce and Sherry broke up, she thought she could have her old Bryce back. She spent the whole year smelling his watermelon scented hair and wondering if she'd ever get her kiss.
Now, in seventh grade, Bryce's grandfather Chet Duncan moves in with the family. He finds Julie different, special, and a rare kind of girl who's hard to come across. He continues to tell Bryce this with hope. There's a large, old sycamore tree that Julie loves which no one understands. One day, it's cut down by the owner to much of Julie's protest and dismay. She tells about how the tree can show her the world.
Chet and Julie form a strong friendship over time while he helps her work on her messy lawn. Bryce begins to develop feelings for her just as Julie begins to question her feelings about Bryce. Her feelings completely disappear when she overhears him and Garrett talking about her mentally challenged uncle, Daniel, in the library. She continues to have mixed feelings when the basket boy auction is just around the corner. She hears that Shelly is planning to bid on Bryce against another one of the schools "finest" girls. Bryce thinks that Julie is planning on bidding for him because he hears she walked in with a wad of cash (which she wasn't planning on having with her). Bryce begins to worry about what would happen if she does bid for him just when she bids all her cash on basket boy number eight, the boy before Bryce. During the basket boy bidden lunch, Bryce and Shelly sit at a table across from Julie and basket boy eight. She's facing Bryce and he can't help but stare at Julie the whole time. He sees she's having a good time with her date and gets jealous. He grabs her up to talk to her and attempts to kiss her in front of everyone. He chases her out after Julie dodges his kiss.
She bikes home crying. Bryce tries for two days to see Julie after many phone calls and knocks on the door and window. Finally, one day Julie sees Bryce digging a hole on her front lawn which infuriates her. Her father said he gave him permission and she watches Bryce continue to dig. After he digs the hole, he leaves. Julie becomes confused but Bryce comes back carrying a baby tree and places it in the hole. She's surprised and doesn't even have to ask because she knew that is was a sycamore tree. She goes outside to help him and the movie ends with her saying that he was still walking around with her first kiss, but not for long.



Official poster
Directed by Rob Reiner
Produced by Rob Reiner
Alan Greisman
Screenplay by Rob Reiner
Andrew Scheinman
Based on Flipped by
Wendelin Van Draanen
Starring Madeline Carroll
Rebecca De Mornay
Anthony Edwards
John Mahoney
Callan McAuliffe
Penelope Ann Miller
Aidan Quinn
Kevin Weisman
Music by Marc Shaiman
Cinematography Thomas Del Ruth
Editing by Robert Leighton
Studio Castle Rock Entertainment
Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures (USA/International)
Release date(s) August 6, 2010 (2010-08-06)
Running time 90 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $14 million
Gross revenue $1,613,844
( SUMBER : wikipedia )
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Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

DOG POUND ( 2010 )

Dated Released : 23 June 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1422020
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Adam Butcher, Shane Kippel, Mateo Morales
Genre : Drama
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Dog Pound had a huge effect on me unlike most films that have come out in the past couple months. You start to really feel for the characters and their issues also everything during the movie goes along smoothly. Every actor worked their role correctly and, in my opinion, perfectly. If people just truly gave a couple seconds to be down to earth with these juniors, just for once put yourself in their own positions, many of the problems in this film could of had a much better outcome. Great story, great action, and just overall a good watch. This is a must see for everyone who has the stomach and the mind set. These actions are actually happening today and needs to be solved.. but sadly I may not see it in my years.

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TRON ( 1982 )

Date Released : 9 July 1982
Quality : Good
Info : imdb.com/title/tt0084827
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner
Genre : Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller
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Seorang hacker secara tanpa sadar diculik ke dunia komputer dan dipaksa untuk berpartisipasi dalam permainan gladiator di mana satu-satunya kesempatan untuk melarikan diri adalah dengan bantuan program keamanan heroik. apakah dia mampu melarikan diri dari dunia game?apa saja petualangan seru yang dialamami di dunia maya itu, jangan sampai temen2 lewatkan versi Tron jadul ini sebelum melihat Tron versi 2010



Tron is a 1982 American live-action-computer animated science fiction film written and directed by Steven Lisberger. Tron was produced by Walt Disney Productions and Lisberger Studios and released by Buena Vista Distribution Company. It stars Jeff Bridges as the protagonist hacker Kevin Flynn (and his program counterpart inside the electronic world, Clu), Bruce Boxleitner as security program Tron (and Tron's "user", Alan Bradley), Cindy Morgan as program Yori (and her "user", Dr. Lora Baines), Barnard Hughes as the tower guardian Dumont (and his user, Dr. Walter Gibbs) and Dan Shor as Ram. David Warner plays all three main antagonists: the program Sark, his "user", Ed Dillinger, and the voice of the chess program artificial intelligence Master Control Program. The film tells the story of Flynn as he attempts to hack into the ENCOM mainframe to prove that Dillinger has appropriated his work, but ends up being transported into the digital world itself as a unique program/user. There, he teams up with Tron to defeat the Master Control Program, who has been controlling the digital world.
Development of Tron began in 1976 when Lisberger became fascinated with Pong. Along with producer Donald Kushner, he set up an animation studio to develop Tron with the intention of making it an animated film. However, after talks with Information International, Inc., Lisberger decided to include live-action elements with the computer animation. Various film studios rejected the storyboards for the film until the project was set up at Disney. There, backlit animation was combined with the computer animation and live-action. Tron was released on July 9, 1982 in 1,091 theaters in the United States.
The film received positive reviews from critics. Critics praised the visuals and acting, but criticized the storyline. The film also was a box office success, grossing $33 million in the United States. Tron received nominations for Best Costume Design and Best Sound at the 55th Academy Awards, and received the Academy Award for Technical Achievement 14 years later. Tron developed into a cult film and eventually spawned into a franchise, which consists of multiple video games, comic books and an animated television series.[1] A sequel titled Tron: Legacy was directed by Joseph Kosinski and was released on December 16, 2010; it also saw the return of Lisberger, Bridges, and Boxleitner to the franchise and received mixed reviews from critics


Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) is a young and gifted software engineer. He was once an employee of the software corporation ENCOM, and had developed several video games after hours to start his own company. However, a co-worker, Ed Dillinger (David Warner) stole Flynn's code and presented it as his own, earning him a rapid series of promotions. While Dillinger eventually became a senior executive of the company, Flynn was reduced to running a video game arcade, which ironically featured several of the games he had created.
Flynn tries to hack into the ENCOM mainframe to find evidence of Dillinger's wrongdoing, but the Master Control Program (MCP), an artificial intelligence that controls the ENCOM mainframe, blocks his attempts. Dillinger authorizes the MCP to enforce tighter security controls, which inadvertently locks out Alan Bradley (Bruce Boxleitner), an ENCOM employee and former colleague of Flynn. Bradley asks Dillinger about the lockdown and tells him about his own program, "Tron", a security program that would monitor communications between the MCP and the outside world. Dillinger dismisses Bradley, telling him to be patient. After Bradley leaves, the MCP admonishes Dillinger, saying it "cannot afford" to have programs monitoring it. It reveals its intent to break into the Pentagon, claiming it can run things much more efficiently than "any human". When Dillinger attempts to reassert his control over the MCP, it essentially blackmails him into complying with its wishes.
Meanwhile, Bradley and his girlfriend and co-worker Dr. Lora Baines (Cindy Morgan) approach Flynn, warning him that Dillinger has learned of his hacking attempt and the mainframe lockdown. Flynn convinces Bradley to bring him into ENCOM's laser laboratory, where tests are being done to attempt to digitize real objects into the computer. Lora seats Flynn at her terminal, where he attempts to hack his way into a different security group. The MCP confronts him and takes control of the digitizing laser, firing it at Flynn and digitizing him into the ENCOM mainframe.
Flynn appears in an input/output port surrounded by Programs, which are represented as human figures that resemble their creators. As he is taken to a holding area, Flynn learns that most Programs revere the Users, but that the MCP, through its commander Sark (Warner), is attempting to get them to renounce this "superstitious and hysterical belief". Programs that refuse to do so are forced to play in gladiatorial games, in which the loser is "de-rezzed" (killed). Flynn is sent to play in one of these games, but refuses to finish it. Sark terminates Flynn's opponent and is about to kill Flynn as well but lets him live due to the MCP's instructions: "I want him in the games until he dies playing." Shortly thereafter, Flynn meets Tron and learns of his intent to "take down" the MCP.
The two are then taken to the Light Cycle arena, where they escape into the mainframe along with another Program, Ram (Dan Shor). Sark's troops give chase, and Tron is forced to split off from the group and heads to the nearest input-output tower, while Flynn takes the wounded Ram to safety. As Ram de-rezzes, he realizes that Flynn is a User and asks him to help Tron. Flynn begins to discover the special powers he has within the digital world as he rebuilds and steals a damaged Recognizer, taking off in search of Tron.
Tron, meanwhile, sneaks into an input-output tower and receives instructions from Bradley to destroy the MCP. Tron then joins with Yori (Morgan) aboard a solar sailer simulation program to quickly get to the MCP. Flynn manages to climb aboard at the last minute and, along the way, reveals to them that he is a User. Sark's command ship destroys the sailer, capturing Yori and Flynn. Tron is believed to have been killed in the impact.
Sark takes a number of captured Programs and debarks his command ship, taking a shuttle to the MCP's core. He leaves Flynn and Yori aboard the ship and begins to de-rez it, but Flynn manages to keep it intact and Yori alive. Before telling the captured Programs of their fate, the MCP sends Sark out onto the mesa, saying it feels "a presence." Sark battles with Tron, who had snuck aboard his shuttle, while the MCP tells the Programs that it will assimilate them into itself. Tron gains the upper hand and severely damages Sark, prompting the MCP to transfer its functions and cause Sark to grow to immense size. ("Your User can't help you now, my little Program," the MCP remarks arrogantly.) Tron then attacks the MCP directly, attempting to break through its shield.
Flynn jumps from Sark's ship into the MCP's core, distracting it long enough to reveal a gap in its shield. Tron throws his disc through the gap, destroying the MCP and Sark, and freeing the digital world. I/O towers begin to light up all over the landscape as Programs begin to communicate with their Users.
As Tron and Yori ponder Flynn's fate, Flynn is sent back to the real world, reconstructed by the digitization laser at Lora's terminal. A printer next to him is printing out the evidence that he had sought, showing that Dillinger had "annexed" his code. Dillinger arrives the next morning to find the MCP non-functional and the evidence of his wrongdoing displayed on his screen. Some time later, Flynn is shown to have become the CEO of ENCOM.


Box office

Tron was released on July 9, 1982, in 1,091 theaters grossing USD $4 on its opening weekend. It went on to make $33 in North America—moderately successful considering its $17 budget


Theatrical release poster
Directed by Steven Lisberger
Produced by Donald Kushner
Ron Miller (executive)
Screenplay by Steven Lisberger
Story by Steven Lisberger
Bonnie MacBird
Starring Jeff Bridges
Bruce Boxleitner
David Warner
Cindy Morgan
Barnard Hughes
Dan Shor
Music by Wendy Carlos (score)
Journey (songs)
Cinematography Bruce Logan
Editing by Jeff Gourson
Studio Walt Disney Productions
Lisberger Studios
Distributed by Buena Vista Distribution Company
Release date(s) July 9, 1982 (1982-07-09)
Running time 96 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $17,000,000
Gross revenue $33,000,000
Followed by Tron: Legacy

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THE FALL ( 2008 )

 Dated Released : 30 May 2008
Quality : DVDrip-aXXo
Info : imdb.com/title/tt0460791
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Catinca Untaru, Justine Waddell, Lee Pace
Genre : Adventure | Drama | Fantasy


Diceritakan bahwa pada tahun 1915, seorang gadis kecil berumur 5 tahun, Alexandria (Catinca Untaru), yang berasal dari suatu negara di Eropa, dirawat di sebuah rumah sakit di Los Angeles karena lengannya patah akibat jatuh dari memetik buah jeruk di perkebunan tempatnya bekerja. Di rumah sakit, Ia sudah cukup dikenal oleh berbagai orang dari suster, dokter, pendeta, pasien, hingga seorang tukang pengantat es balok. Suatu hari, Ia bertemu dengan Roy (Lee Pace), seorang stuntman di Hollywood, yang dirawat karena mencoba bunuh diri dengan melonpat dari rel kereta saat di lokasi shooting. Roy, yang begitu kecewa melihat wanita yang dicintainya menikah dengan aktor terkenal, menceritakan Alexandria sebuah kisah epik tentang lima pahlawan yang melawan kekejaman Governor Odius (Daniel Caltagirone), yaitu Black Bandit (Lee Pace), Luigi (Robin Smith), Charles Darwin (Leo Bill), Indian Man (Jeetu Verma), dan Otta Benga (Marcus Wesley). Kelima pahlawan dibantu oleh manusia mistis yang lahir dari pohon bernama Mystic (Julian Bleach) dan juga bertemu dengan seorang putri yang dicintai oleh Masked Bandit yang bernama Evelyn (Justin Waddell). Alexandria pun seudah tersedot masuk dalam cerita itu dan tidak sadar kalau ia hanya dimanfaatkan oleh Roy untuk melakukan sesuatu hal.
Kisah epik yang diceritakan Roy ditampilkan dengan begitu hidup, jenaka, imajinatif, liar, dan tidak terduga. Apa yang dilakukan Tarsem Singh bukan sekedar melakukan shooting di tempat-tempat indah dan menangkap setiap momen dengan indah pula. Ia juga memperlakukan visual sebagai sebuah trik mata dan pikiran. Tarsem tidak hanya menampilkan dunia imajinasi, tapi juga menarik kita dalam proses berimajinasi itu sendiri. Opening dari film ini pun terasa seperti potongan-potongan dari sebuah mimpi, dengan adanya orang bernampilan seperti suku Indian, sepasang kekasih yang sedang berpacaran, dua orang pria yang sedang tenggelam, sebuah kereta yang dihentikan, dan seekor kuda yang ditarik dengan tali karena jatuh ke sungai. Keunikan inilah yang membuat penonton menjadi ikut berkhayal bersama dengan Roy dan Alexandria.

In 1920s Los Angeles, stuntman Roy Walker (Lee Pace) is in a hospital, bedridden and possibly paralyzed after a jump he took in his first film. One day, a note blows in through his window and lands on his bed. Alexandria (Catinca Untaru), the young patient who wrote the note, rushes in to take it back. Roy tells her she is named after Alexander the Great, one of the greatest warriors of all time, and begins to tell her a story about him. Alexandria is told she has to leave, but not before Roy promises to tell her an epic tale if she will return the next day.
The next morning, as Roy spins his tale of fantasy, Alexandria's imagination brings his characters to life. Roy's tale is about five heroes: a silent Indian warrior, a muscular ex-slave named Otta Benga (see Ota Benga, possible source of name); a cigar chomping Italian explosives expert called Luigi; a surreal version of Darwin with a pet monkey named Wallace (after Alfred Russel Wallace) that communicates only with Darwin; and a masked swashbuckling bandit in a sleeveless Hussar jacket, padres hat and samurai style pants, who uses a matched pair of flintlock pistols. An evil ruler named Odious has committed an offense against each of the five, who all seek revenge.
The heroes have been stranded on a butterfly-shaped reef with only a distant swim to shore, but the Masked Bandit can't swim. The group is jolted into action when word arrives that Odious will hang our bandit's brother. Darwin spots a swimming elephant on which the bandit rides to shore, where they are joined by a sixth hero, a mystic who emerges from a smoldering tree trunk after it had burst into flames.
The story is presented as Alexandria vividly imagines it, her friends and the people around her appearing as the characters in Roy's story. One of her Sikh friends, who works at the orchard with her family, becomes the scimitar-flashing swordsman; one of her nurses becomes the Bandit's romantic pursuit; one of Roy's visitors, a professional one-legged stuntman, becomes Luigi (now with two legs); and the ice delivery man becomes the fierce African warrior, who freed himself from bondage.
Although Roy develops genuine affection for Alexandria, he also has an ulterior motive: by telling tales and gaining her trust, he tricks her into stealing morphine from the hospital pharmacy so that he can attempt suicide. To Roy's dismay, the scribbled word he had used to show Alexandria which bottle to get ended with an 'E' that looked like a reversed 3. Alexandria, who didn't know how to read English well, assumed he wanted 3 morphine pills instead of a whole bottle. Roy is surprised when she brings him only three pills, telling her they are only enough for "a nap."
As the line between fact and fantasy blurs, more real-life people begin to populate Roy's fictitious stories and the stories themselves become a collaborative tale to which Alexandria also contributes. A hospital nurse, Evelyn, (Justine Waddell) becomes the center of a romantic feud between Governor Odious and the masked bandit, who is Roy. Alexandria herself becomes a character in the story: while Roy is the masked bandit, she is his daughter. Roy talks Alexandria into stealing a bottle of Morphine tablets locked in a fellow patient's cabinet. Roy and Alexandria then have a touching scene as Roy downs the whole bottle. Going to see Roy the next morning, Alexandria sees a sheet covered body in the courtyard outside and thinks that he is dead. Running to Roy's bed she is surprised to find him asleep. After Alexandria awakens Roy, he realizes he is only alive because his neighboring patient is receiving a placebo. As Roy is restrained after yelling in anger, Alexandria is shuffled away.
Later that evening nurse Evelyn puts a pensive Alexandria to bed. Alexandria, desperate to help Roy, sneaks out of bed but, on her way to the pharmacy becomes frightened by a masked x-ray technician, seemingly wielding a sword. In the pharmacy, she climbs onto the cabinet but loses her footing on a pestle, and falls to the floor surrounded by morphine pills.
After surgery (depicted in an expressionistic stop-motion animated sequence by Wolfgang and Christoph Lauenstein, typical of their style), Alexandria is visited by the bewheeled Roy in the recovery room, where he consoles her and confesses his deception. Now he can imagine only a grim ending to the tale, encouraging Alexandria to ask someone else to tell it, but she, in tears, insists on hearing Roy's ending.
Roy reluctantly begins the rest of the story. The heroes die one by one, and it seems that Odious will be triumphant. Alexandria becomes upset, and Roy insists, "It's my story." She declares "Mine too," and in the end is able to exert some influence on the course of the tale. Finally the epic tale the two have been telling comes to an end with only the Bandit and his daughter remaining alive and Odious dying.
Next we watch as the patients and staff of the hospital watch a viewing of the finished 'flicker' that had started. The film is hand cranked through a projector. Roy in his wheel chair with a beaming Alexandria on his right, and the children watch in awe as the still frames become a moving picture. With everyone laughing, only Roy's smile is broken in confusion when he sees that his life-threatening leap has been edited out of the film and that his horse is once again alive as another stuntman jumps from the railroad trestle safely into the saddle.
The film then cuts to a healed Alexandria placing the false teeth of our film's old man/mystic into the halves of an empty orange and planting them in the ground. Will they grow oranges with teeth her Sikh friend asks, as he makes a sign for a butterfly while nodding his head backwards. Alexandria, getting his hint, runs to see the butterfly as her voice over tells us her mother has learned that Roy had recovered and was now back at work again.
At first she tells us she didn't believe it, but as she talks – a montage of cuts from several of silent films' greatest and most dangerous stunts go by as Alexandria continues speaking. She imagines them all to be Roy, even imagining Roy to be Buster Keaton as walls fall down around him.



The Fall premiered at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival. For its theatrical release in 2008, the film was presented by David Fincher and Spike Jonze.


The Fall

Theatrical release poster
Directed by Tarsem Singh
Produced by Ajit Singh
Tommy Turtle
Tarsem Singh
Written by Dan Gilroy
Nico Soultanakis
Tarsem Singh
Starring Lee Pace
Catinca Untaru
Justine Waddell
Music by Krishna Levy
Cinematography Colin Watkinson
Editing by Robert Duffy
Spot Welders
Release date(s) Toronto Film Festival
9 September 2006
United States
30 May 2008
United Kingdom
3 October 2008
Running time 117 minutes
Country India
United Kingdom
United States
Language English
Gross revenue $3,199,759

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