Selasa, 30 November 2010



Date Released : 7 May 2009
Quality : DVDRip
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Starring : Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor, Ayelet Zurer
Genre : Mistery, Crime, Drama

uploader by cinema3satu


Ketika salah seorang ilmuwan bernama Leonardo Vetra yang bekerja di CERN terbunuh, di dadanya terlihat sebuah tanda yang mengarah pada sebuah persaudaraan yang diduga telah musnah. Kematian yang tak wajar ini membuat para ilmuwan di CERN terpaksa harus menghubungi pakar simbol Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks).

Langdon yang semula tak percaya bahwa persaudaraan Illuminati ini masih ada mau tak mau harus menerima kenyataan karena tak ada orang yang sanggup membuat tanda ambigram sempurna yang menjadi simbol Illuminati kecuali dari persaudaraan rahasia ini sendiri.

Akhirnya Langdon dan Vittoria Vetra (Ayelet Zurer) pergi ke Vatican di mana persaudaraan Illuminati mengancam akan meledakkan kota suci ini dan membunuh semua orang di dalamnya. Satu-satunya cara melacak si pembunuh adalah dengan mengikuti tanda-tanda yang ditinggalkan anggota Illuminati dengan harapan dapat mencegah pembunuhan massal ini.

Namun sang pembunuh hanya meninggalkan petunjuk di atas mayat para Kardinal yang telah ia bunuh satu per satu. Kini Langdon dan Vetra harus berpacu untuk mendahului sang pembunuh atau semua Kardinal yang diculik mati dan tak ada petunjuk mengenai lokasi peledak yang dipasang persaudaraan Illuminati ini.

Film 'Angels & Demons' merupakan prekuel 'The Da Vinci Code' yang diadaptasi dari novel karya penulis Dan Brown.

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Date Released : 7 May 2009
Quality : Good
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Starring : Ringgo Agus Rahman, Luna Maya, Sarah Sechan
Genre : Comedy
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Film Janda Kembang bercerita tentang Selasih atau Asih (Luna Maya) yang merupakan pendatang baru di kampung Pulo Bantal, pinggiran kota Jakarta. Asih langsung menjadi idola pria-pria beristri di desa tersebut karena wajahnya yang cantik, seksi, dan bersuara merdu.

Asih lalu bergabung dengan grup musik Dodirama pimpinan Dodi (Ringgo Agus) sebagai penyanyi. Grup musik ini menjadi laku keras sejak kehadiran Asih. Penampilan Asih di panggung dan di luar panggung sering membuat para isteri-isteri kesal karena suaminya jadi lupa punya isteri. Dengan kehadiran Asih, membuat Yuli Nada (Sarah Sechan) istri Dodi, menjadi tergusur sebagai penyanyi utama. Yuli merasa terancam posisinya baik di band atau di rumah tangganya.

Yuli mulai memprovokasi ibu-ibu kampung Pulo Bantal untuk membenci Asih. Yuli pun memfitnah Asih sebagai pengambil hati suami orang. Masyarakat pun mulai mencap Selasih sebagai pelacur, wanita simpanan dan sebagainya. Keadaan mulai semakin panas, mereka yang cemburu ingin mengusir Asih dari Pulo Bantal.

Dapatkah Asih bertahan dengan semua itu?

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Date Released : 7 August 2008
Quality : DVDRip -FxM
Info :
Lihat : TrailerPemain : Thomas Jane, Ron Perlman, Devon Aoki
Genre : Action, Advanture

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Tahun 2707, Semua sumber daya bumi telah habis dikonsumsi manusia dan kekuasaan berada di tangan empat perusahaan besar yang menguasai seluruh dunia. Keempat perusahaan tersebut selalu berperang satu dengan yang lain untuk berebut wilayah.
Dalam sebuah peperangan, secara tidak sengaja para tentara dari perusahaan besar tersebut membuka sebuah segel yang sebenarnya mengunci The Machine yang berencana mengubah seluruh manusia menjadi mutant. The Machine datang dari luar angkasa dengan tujuan yang sama berabad sebelumnya namun berhasil dikalahkan dan dikunci.
Makin lama, penduduk dunia banyak yang berubah menjadi monster yang mengerikan. Jari mereka berubah meruncing, dan tidak memiliki rasa takut menghadapi senjata apapun. Dengan adanya ancaman baru tersebut, manusia harus meninggalkan bumi supaya tidak musnah. Tetapi waktu untuk mengevakuasi seluruh manusia ke planet terdekat yang bisa dihuni tidak mencukupi.
Akhirnya Brother Samuel (Ron Perlman), pemimpin aliran kepercayaan yang mengetahui seluk beluk manusia mutant menawarkan sebuah misi penghancuran mesin pembuat mutant. Brother Samuel mengumpulkan beberapa tentara untuk menjalankan misi tersebut. Namun dalam perjalanan penyerangan, pesawat mereka ditembaki sehingga jatuh. Seluruh anggota misi tewas dan Samuel berhasil ditangkap dan akhirnya ikut berubah menjadi mutant.
Bagaimana kelanjutannya, silahkan tonton filmnya di MillenixEntertain

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Date Released : 25 May 1990
Quality : Good
Info :
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Starring : Michael J. Fox, Lea Thompson
Genre : Action | Adventure | Comedy | Sci-Fi | Western
Uploader by hyman28
In 1955, Marty McFly discovers that his friend Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown is now trapped in the year 1885. Marty and Doc's 1955 self use the information in Doc’s 1885 letter to retrieve and repair the damaged DeLorean. As they retrieve the car, Marty spies a tombstone with Doc's name, dated six days after the letter. Learning that Doc was killed by Biff Tannen's ancestor, Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen, Marty decides to go back to 1885 to save Doc.
Marty arrives on September 2, 1885, in the middle of a U.S. Cavalry pursuit of Indians. While evading the pursuit, the car's fuel line is torn, and Marty hides the car in a cave. While walking to Hill Valley, Marty meets his Irish great-great-grandparents, Seamus and Maggie McFly. To disguise his identity, Marty adopts the name Clint Eastwood. In town, Marty runs afoul of Buford and his gang. Buford tries to hang Marty, but Doc saves him. Doc agrees to leave 1885, but with the fuel tank in the DeLorean empty and gasoline unavailable, there is no way to power the car to 88 mph. Doc devises a scheme to use a locomotive to push the DeLorean up to speed. As Doc and Marty explore the rail spur they intend to use, they spot an out-of-control horse-drawn wagon. Doc saves the passenger, Clara Clayton. The two fall in love, finding many common interests, especially the works of Jules Verne. Buford tries to kill Doc at a town festival, but Marty intervenes. Buford then goads Marty into a showdown in two days' time. Consulting the photograph of Doc's tombstone, they note that Doc's name has disappeared, but the tombstone is otherwise unchanged. Doc tells Marty that the tombstone represents the events of the future, and warns Marty that he, not Doc, may be killed by Buford.
The night before their departure, Doc confesses to Clara that he is from the future, but Clara believes it is merely an excuse to end their relationship and spurns him. Distraught, Doc returns to the town saloon to get drunk. Marty rides to the saloon and convinces Doc to leave with him. Unfortunately, Doc drinks a single shot of whiskey and passes out. Buford arrives and calls Marty out. Marty realizes his reputation is unimportant and refuses to fight. Doc revives after being force-fed the bartender's special "Wake-Up Juice" and tries fleeing with Marty, but Buford's gang captures Doc, forcing Marty to fight. Marty uses a firebox door from a stove as a bullet-proof vest, and then hits Buford in the face with it. During the fistfight that follows, Buford destroys the tombstone (which disappears from the photograph) and is arrested. With Buford no longer a threat, Marty and Doc depart to hijack the locomotive.
Clara is leaving town on the train when she overhears a salesman discussing a man he met in the saloon, despondent about his lost love. Realizing the man is Doc and that he loves her, Clara triggers the emergency brake and runs back to town. She discovers Doc's model of the time machine and rides after him. Clara boards the speeding locomotive while Doc is climbing towards the DeLorean. Doc encourages Clara to climb out to him, intending to bring her to 1985. As she climbs to Doc, the overheated locomotive boiler explodes. Clara falls off and is left hanging by her dress. Marty passes his hoverboard to Doc, who uses it to save Clara. They coast away from the train safely as the DeLorean disappears through time, while the locomotive roars over the edge of the incomplete bridge and is demolished.
Marty arrives safely on October 27, 1985, but the powerless DeLorean is destroyed when a freight train strikes it head-on. Marty returns to his home, discovering that everything has returned to the improved timeline. Marty finds Jennifer sleeping on her front porch. Later, Marty uses the lessons he learned in 1885 to avoid being goaded into a street race with Needles, avoiding a potential automobile accident. Jennifer opens the fax message she kept from 2015 and finds that the message regarding Marty being fired has been erased.
Marty takes Jennifer to the time machine wreckage. As they survey the remains, a steam-powered locomotive equipped with a flux capacitor appears, manned by Doc, Clara, and their children, Jules and Verne. Doc gives Marty the photo of the two of them by the clockworks at the 1885 festival. Jennifer inquires about the fax and asks what it means. Doc tells them it means that the future has not been written yet and that theirs is "whatever you make it, so make it a good one". After the Browns bid farewell to their friends, Doc’s train converts into a hovertrain and roars off into an unknown time.



Date Released : 22 November 1989
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Michael J. Fox, Lea Thompson
Genre : Action | Adventure | Comedy | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Uploader by hyman28
Generally considered the lesser film of the Back to the Future trilogy, mostly because it is darker and less in fun than the other two, Back to the Future II is nonetheless an intelligent and well-constructed sequel that succeeds with high energy and clever twists and turns.  It's also quite confusing to follow for many viewers, as alternate realities, paradoxes, and time traveling theory aren't the sorts of things most people who loved Back to the Future spent a good deal of time exploring in their thoughts while watching it.  This also makes it less palatable for children, especially young children, as the vulgar language and moments of violence push the boundaries of what a PG rated movie is allowed to show (in fact, I think it definitely should have been PG-13).  However, for more mature audiences, and especially for those into science fiction, Back to the Future Part II fascinates with its interpretation of a possible future, as well as the interesting philosophy behind time travel, striking a more intellectual note than most films marketed as blockbuster family fare.

Part II starts with the end of Part I, although re-shot in order to incorporate the "new" Jennifer, Elisabeth Shue (Underneath, Palmetto).   Doc Brown (Lloyd, Star Trek III) has come back with an urgent plea that Marty (Fox, Bright Lights Big City) and Jennifer need to travel to the future, in the year 2015, because something terrible will happen to their family if they don't.  There it is revealed that Marty and Jennifer have a son and daughter, Marty Jr. and Marlene (both played by Fox), and that they are in jeopardy, and if Marty Sr. doesn't stop a certain event from happening, the future of the family will be in ruins.  Marty saves the day, but it comes at a cost, as Biff Tannen (Wilson, Action Jackson), now quite elderly, sneaks back in the time machine with an almanac of sports statistics.  When Marty and Doc travel back to 1985, they find they are in a different reality than the one they remember, where Hill Valley lay in squalor, while the only industry in town happens to be the hotel/casino owned by now billionaire, Biff Tannen.  It seems Biff of 2015 traveled to meet the Biff of 1955 to hand off the sports almanac to be used to place bets on all the winners in sports until the end of the century.  Marty is shocked to see the world he know destroyed, his father dead, his mother married to Biff(!), and everything in disarray.  With little time left, Marty and Doc must find a way to stop these events from ever happening, and return everything to its proper place in 1985 again.

Complexity is sometimes a double-edged sword, as it will lose part of the audience, while also stimulating interest from the other part that likes to think when watching a movie.  How much interest you glean from the complicated structure of Part II will likely depend on your personal preference, so I can't guarantee you will like it as much as I do.  It's true that the subject matter is darker in tone than the other releases, but the inventiveness and brilliance more than keeps the action moving and story perplexing (in a good way), thanks to a fantastic script from Bob Gale (Interstate 60, Trespass), who keeps the in-jokes and humor in perfect step with the first film. 

Some may be disappointed, but not this reviewer.  Back to the Future Part II is an intelligent, heady roller coaster ride that takes us back to the story we know from the first film and introduces many new levels of complexity to engage us.  It's a daring sequel, and while it doesn't always work, it does deserve respect just for trying to infuse something different into the mix and do so without losing momentum.  In the end, it is just a bridge between Part I and Part III, but it gets us to our final destination charged up and ready for the last chapter
( SUMBER : )



Date Released : 3 July 1985
Quality : Good
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Michael J. Fox, Lea Thompson
Genre : Action | Adventure | Comedy | Sci-Fi

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Marty McFly is a teenager living with a bleak, unambitious family in Hill Valley, California. His father, George McFly, is constantly bullied by his supervisor, Biff Tannen, and his slobbish overweight mother, Lorraine Baines McFly, has a drinking problem. On the morning of October 25, 1985, his friend, scientist Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown, calls him and asks to meet at 1:15 am the following morning at Twin Pines Mall. Marty and his band audition to perform at the school dance, but are rejected. Marty's girlfriend, Jennifer Parker, encourages him to pursue the dream of being a rock musician. At dinner that night, Lorraine recounts how she and George first fell in love when her father hit him with his car.

The McFly house
Marty meets Doc as planned. Doc reveals a DeLorean DMC-12 which he has modified into a time machine, powered by plutonium which generates 1.21 gigawatts of power into a device he calls the "flux capacitor." Doc also explains that the car travels to a programmed date upon reaching 88 miles per hour. However, before Doc can make a trip twenty five years into the future, the Libyan terrorists he stole the plutonium from show up and gun him down. Marty attempts to escape in the DeLorean but, in the process, reaches the speed of 88 miles per hour and is transported back to November 5, 1955, a date Dr. Emmett Brown entered as an example to Marty as the date he invented his flux capacitor.
In 1955, Marty runs into his father, George, as a teenager who is being bullied by Biff. As George is about to be hit by Lorraine's father's car, Marty pushes him out of the way and takes the impact. As a result, Lorraine becomes infatuated with Marty instead of George. Marty is disturbed by her flirtations and leaves to find Doc. Marty convinces Doc that he is from the future and asks him to help him return to 1985. Doc is aghast by the fact the time machine requires 1.21 gigawatts of power, telling Marty that the only possible source of that amount of power is a bolt of lightning. Marty remembers that lightning will strike the courthouse clocktower the following Saturday at 10:04 pm. Doc also deduces that Marty has prevented his parents from meeting. He tells Marty he must find a way to get them together or he will never exist.
Marty plans to have George appear to rescue Lorraine from Marty's overt sexual advances on the night of the school's Enchantment Under the Sea dance. However, a drunk Biff unexpectedly shows up, pulls Marty from the car, and forces himself on Lorraine. George arrives as planned to rescue Lorraine from Marty, but finds Biff instead. Biff subjugates George, but George punches Biff in the face, knocking him out. A smitten Lorraine follows George to the dance floor where they kiss for the first time, assuring Marty's existence.
Meanwhile, Marty writes Doc a letter to warn him of his murder in 1985, but Doc indignantly tears up the letter without reading it, for fear he will alter the future. The lightning strikes at 10:04 pm and successfully sends Marty back to 1985, but he is too late to prevent Doc from being shot, despite previously having set the time machine to arrive a little early in anticipation. However, Doc reveals he was wearing a bulletproof vest and had taped the letter back together.
Doc drops Marty off at home and leaves in the time machine for the future. Marty awakens the next morning to find his home and family significantly improved and happier. Lorraine is physically fit, George has become a self-confident and successful science fiction author, Marty's brother Dave is now a businessman and his sister Linda no longer has trouble finding boyfriends. Most notably, George and Lorraine now have the close relationship they never had. Biff has become an auto detailer and is now very deferential towards George. Just as Marty reunites with Jennifer, Doc arrives, insisting that they accompany him to the future to sort out a problem with Marty and Jennifer's children. With Doc at the wheel once again, Marty and Jennifer get in the updated time machine, now a flying DeLorean hovercar powered by nuclear fusion, and blast off into the future.
( sumber : wikipedia )



Date Released : 29 Agustus 2008
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Pemain: Vin Diesel, Michelle Yeoh
Genre : Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller
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Hugo Cornelius Toorop (Vin Diesel) adalah seorang mantan serdadu yang akhirnya mencari nafkah sebagai tentara bayaran. Kemampuan Toorop yang berada di atas rata-rata membuatnya sering disewa dalam tugas-tugas beresiko tinggi. Dan tugas Toorop kali ini adalah tugas sederhana. Ia diminta mengawal seorang gadis bernama Aurora (MĂ©lanie Thierry) dari Rusia menuju New York. Aurora tak sendiri, ia mengajak seorang pendeta wanita bernama Rebecca (Michelle Yeoh). Namun tugas mudah ini jadi rumit saat Toorop menyadari bahwa Aurora bukanlah wanita seperti yang ia kira.

Dalam tubuh Aurora telah dimasukkan sebuah organisme yang menjadi incaran semua orang. Kini, Toorop harus mati-matian melindungi Aurora dan mengantarnya dengan selamat sampai ke New York. Ikatan yang terjalin selama dalam perjalanan membuat Toorop tak bisa begitu saja berpaling dan pergi meskipun bahaya yang ia hadapi tak lagi sebanding dengan bayaran yang ia terima.



Dated Released : 10 November 2006
Quality : -
Info :
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Starring : Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Mohamed Akhzam
Genre : Drama
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Jauh di perbukitan gurun pasir Maroko, dua bocah, Yossef (Boubker Ait El Caid) dan Ahmed (Said Tarchani), dengan bangga menenteng senjata yang baru dibelikan ayah mereka, Abdullah (Mustapha Rachidi), untuk mengawal kawanan ternak. Sebuah senjata yang tanpa mereka sadari akan melibatkan mereka dalam keruwetan.
Dengan raut polos, Yossef dan Ahmed saling unjuk kebolehan menembak senapan dan mengarahkan ke target yang mereka incar. Sampai suatu saat target tembak Yoseff dan Ahmed bukan lagi batu karang, mereka bertaruh seberapa jauh jarak jangkau peluru senjata mengenai target. Yoseff meminta Ahmed mengarahkan senapan ke sebuah bis yang sedang lewat, dan di luar dugaan mereka, bis berhenti, orang-orang mulai berteriak dan...dimulailah kisah tragis untuk sesuatu yang jauh dari bayangan mereka.
Terpisah jauh dari Yoseff dan Ahmed, di saat yang bersamaan, Amelia (Adriana Barzza), pengasuh anak keturunan Meksiko yang mengadu nasib di San Diego, Amerika. Saat menjaga dua bocah yang ditinggal kedua orang tuanya, Richard (Brad Pitt) dan Susan (Cate Blanchett) pergi berlibur, Ameli menerima telepon yang memintanya segera pulang ke Meksiko untuk menghadiri pernikahan putranya esok hari. Masalah datang saat Richard mengatakan tak bisa pulang ke Amerika karena sebuah insiden di tempat mereka berlibur. Di tengah kekalutan antara pernikahan anaknya dan tugasnya menjaga anak asuhnya, dan tak kunjung menemukan penggatinya, Amelia akhirnya memutuskan nekat membawa kedua anak tersebut menuju Meksiko dengan menumpang mobil keponakannya, Santiago (Gael Garcial Bernal).
( sumber : )

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Date Released : 10 November 2004
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Cyril Raffaelli, David Belle, Dany Verissimo
Genre : Action | Crime | Sci-Fi
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Pada tahun 2010, daerah berbahaya di pinggiran Paris dikelilingi oleh dinding, dan penghuni tidak memiliki sekolah, rumah sakit dan bahkan polisi di daerah itu diperintah oleh penguasa obat. Di District 13, Leito adalah orang jujur yang tinggal di gedung, dia bersih dan tidak mengizinkan pengedar narkoba mendekati lingkungan tempat tinggalnya. Ketika ia menghancurkan satu juta Euro heroin dari Taha Bemamud, para kriminal menculik adik Leito yakni Lola dan polisi korup melakukan penangkapan terhadap Leito . Enam bulan kemudian, kapten Damien Tomaso yang pribadinya keras dan jujur ditugaskan untuk mencari dan menonaktifkan bom curian yang mungkin menghancurkan District 13 dan dua juta penduduk disana. Bersama dengan Leito, mereka berdua harus menghadapi geng Taha dan mengungkapkan rahasia yang keji di balik perampokan bom.


Dated Released : 5 September 2008
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
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Starring : Anupam Kher, Naseeruddin Shah, Jimmy Shergill
Genre : Drama | Thriller
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The film opens with Mumbai Police Commissioner Prakash Rathod taking a respite after a jog, describing in a voice-over that he is going to retire from office the following day, and how numerous people have been recently questioning him about the most challenging case he had to deal with in his entire career, and how he has been deliberately evading such questions. As his voice-over ends the film switches into a narrative, showing the events that occurred on a certain Wednesday, which the Commissioner specifically recalls when being asked the said question. An unnamed man is shown to strategically carry a travel bag, assumed to be explosives, in the Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station and proceeding to place the bag, under the false pretense of lodging an FIR, in the toilet of a police station located near the Mumbai Police headquarters. He then arrives on the rooftop of a building under construction where he has set up his base of operations, equipped with various modern technology gadgets and instruments.

He calls up Rathod and informs him that 5 bombs have been placed in different locations throughout Mumbai, which are programmed to explode simultaneously within four hours unless the Commissioner gives in to his demands and releases four militants. In response, Rathod immediately alerts his team involved in intelligence research and surveillance, tapping all the available resources in gathering preliminary information and tracing the location of the caller. Meanwhile, the caller tips off television news reporter Naina Roy, telling her to reach the police headquarters immediately as it is going to be "the most important day of her life". Rathod initially suspects the anonymous caller to be bluffing, but his doubts are dispelled as the caller, to prove his seriousness and the police force's helplessness, reveals that a bomb has been planted in the police station right opposite to the Police headquarters. He tries to trigger the bomb through a cell phone, but it is located in the nick of time and defused, just as Roy reaches the scene on the caller's instructions and reports about the situation.

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Dated Released : 28 September 2010
Quality : BRRip 1280*544
Info :
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Starring : Michelle Yeoh, Woo-sung Jung, Kelly Lin
Genre : Action
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The film begins with a narration of the legend of an Indian monk and the wide-spread belief that his mummified remains have magical power. The Dark Stone gang, having found that half of the remains are in the prime minister Zhang's hands, sends assassins to kill him and his son Renfeng (Xiaodong Guo). Dark Stone's top assassin Drizzle (Kelly Lin) steals the remains and flees. She is encountered by the monk Wisdom, the best martial artist who points out Drizzle's swordmanship has fatal flaws and she can be killed by a master. Wisdom spends three months with her and finally sacrifices himself to be killed by Drizzle, in the hope to enlighten her. After Wisdom's death, Drizzle is burdened with sorrow and guilt and decides to leave her old way of life. She goes to a famous surgeon who changes her appearance and she assumes the identity of Zeng Jing (Michelle Yeoh). Zeng opens a market stall selling cloth. She attracts the attention of the messenger Ah-Sheng (Jung Woo-sung) whom she eventually marries. The Dark Stone, in the mean time, are still in pursuit of Drizzle and the remains. Their leader Wheel King (Xueqi Wang) recruits and trains a new assassin, Turqoise (Barbie Hsu), a merciless girl who is also a sex maniac.

Later Zeng Jing and Ah-Sheng are in the bank when robbers enter. As the gang draws their swords, Zeng Jing fights them and saves her and her husband's lives. This act reveals her whereabouts to Dark Stone. The Wheel King summons three assassins in his gang: Lei Bin (Shawn Yue),the Magician (Leon Dai), and Turqoise to hunt Drizzle down. Drizzle/Zeng states she just wants to live a normal life with her husband now and hands over the remains. The gang decides to not let her off easily and she comes home wounded and collapses. Lei Bin and Turqoise follow her but are stopped by Ah-Sheng who surprises them by producing a pair of Cen-Ci swords, which Lei Bin recognizes as Renfeng's weapon. The two assassins are defeated and Ah-Sheng takes Drizzle to the surgeon. The surgeon treats Drizzle's wounds and tells Renfeng everything is pre-destined. Flashbacks reveal that Ah-Sheng's true identify is Renfeng, who did not die from Drizzle's sword because he has situs inversus. He has also changed his appearance to avenge his father's death. Drizzle finds out the truth and asks Renfeng if he has ever loved her. An emotional Renfeng tells her that is impossible because of what she and Dark Stone have done to his family, but he cannot bring himself to kill her and tells her to leave.

The Wheel King, having obtained the remains, attempts to use the power to restore his bodily "defect"--he was castrated as a boy and became an eunuch years ago. Turqoise discovers this as she seduces him and mocks him in anger and disappointment. The Wheel King is infuriated and buries her alive under a bridge. He sees the firework signal released by Drizzle, who has decided to engage him in a final battle. The Wheel King comes to a graveyard and finds Renfeng dead. Drizzle then battles him and wounds him fatally, using what Wisdom had taught her. Renfeng revives the next morning, since he was just given a potion by Drizzle to appear lifeless, so he could witness Drizzle avenge his family with her life. He approaches her body to touch her and finds her still alive. Renfeng is overcome with joy and carries her in his arms. Drizzle whispers to him "divorce me after we get home". Renfeng laughs and tells her they have a long life ahead.

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Dated Released : 23 April 2010
Quality : DVDRip-aXXo
Info :
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Starring : Jennifer Lopez, Alex O'Loughlin, Michaela W
Genre : Comedy | Romance


Yang diinginkan Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) hanyalah mencari pria yang tepat untuk dinikahi karena ia ingin segera memiliki keturunan. Berkali Zoe mencoba namun sepertinya mencari pria yang tepat bukanlah pekerjaan mudah. Hampir putus asa, Zoe memutuskan ia harus segera mencari cara lain atau ia tak akan pernah memiliki keturunan seperti yang ia inginkan.

Zoe nekat. Ia bermaksud memiliki anak walaupun tanpa suami. Inseminasi buatan adalah solusi yang dipilih Zoe. Tapi apa daya, di saat Zoe sudah melakukan proses pembuahan tidak alami ini ia justru bertemu Stan (Alex O'Loughlin), pria yang bisa jadi telah ditunggu Zoe selama ini.

Saat Zoe dan Stan mulai menjalin hubungan asmara, Zoe mulai terjebak. Zoe tak ingin kehilangan Stan namun ia juga tak mungkin menyembunyikan janin yang kini sedang tumbuh dalam rahimnya. Di luar dugaan, saat Zoe menceritakan apa yang telah ia lakukan, Stan tak merasa keberatan dan bertekad terus melanjutkan hubungan mereka.

Waktu berlalu dan perut Zoe pun mulai bertambah besar. Di saat-saat seperti ini, Zoe dan Stan mulai meragukan keputusan yang telah mereka lakukan. Bisa jadi ini adalah pertanda bahwa mereka memang bukan jodoh namun bisa jadi pula ini hanyalah ujian karena mereka berdua memang sudah ditakdirkan bersama.

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Date Released : 29 February 2008
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Uma Thurman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Genre : Comedy | Romance
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Dr. Emma Lloyd (Uma Thurman) merupakan seorang host sebuah acara radio yang populer. Karir Emma sebagai pengisi acara konsultasi hubungan asmara meningkat pesat dengan semakin naiknya rating acara ini. Seperti juga tips-tips yang ia berikan, hidup Emma adalah hidup yang sangat teratur dan bertanggung jawab. Masalahnya, tak semuanya dalam hidup ini bisa direncanakan seperti saat Emma memberikan nasihatnya.

Emma berencana segera menikahi Richard Bratton (Colin Firth), tunangannya namun ada satu kejadian yang mengacaukan rencana yang sudah mereka buat dengan matang ini. Suatu ketika ada seorang wanita bernama Sophia (Justina Machado) yang meminta nasehat masalah asmara pada Emma. Setelah mengetahui duduk perkaranya, Emma menyarankan agar Sophia meninggalkan calon suaminya.

Celakanya, Patrick Sullivan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), kekasih Sophia yang mengira bahwa ia akan segera menikahi Sophia tidak bisa menerima kenyataan bahwa Sophia tiba-tiba meninggalkannya hanya karena nasehat dari Emma. Patrick pun segera merancang skenario balas dendam dengan meminta salah seorang temannya agar membobol sistem data negara dan membuat status Emma menjadi 'telah menikah' dengan Patrick. Dengan begitu, Emma tak bisa menikahi Richard, tunangannya.

Emma tak bisa berbuat apa-apa selain memohon pada Patrick agar mau menandatangani surat pernyataan bahwa pernikahan mereka tidak sah dan saat ini dimanfaatkan Patrick untuk mempermainkan Emma yang sedang putus asa. Tapi seperti juga Emma, Patrick tak sadar bahwa dalam hidup tidak semuanya bisa berjalan seperti yang direncanakan.

dikutip dari kapanlagicom


Dated Released : 4 October 1996
Quality : -
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Starring : Tom Everett Scott, Liv Tyler, Tom Hanks
Genre : Comedy | Drama | Music
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ilm ini dibintangi oleh tokoh utamanya adalah Tom Everett Scott sebagai Guy Patterson dan Liv Tyler sebagai Faye Dolan. Guy Patterson adalah seorang pemilik toko dan seorang drummer musik jazz. Faye Dolan adalah kekasih Jimmy Mattingly. Suatu ketika Jimmy Mattingly lulusan SMU di Pennsylvania bersama teman-temannya membentuk grup band. Mereka berniat mengikuti festival musik. Tetapi saat itu, mendadak sang drummer mereka sedang terkena cedera di lengannya, sehingga mereka berusaha mencari penggantinya. Maka terpilihlah Guy Patterson sebagai pengganti drummer aslinya.

Mereka harus membuat satu lagu unggulan, lalu dari Jimmy lah lagu itu tercipta dari inspirasinya. Lagu itu berjudul That Thing You Do. Awalnya lagu ini terasa sangat melankolis tetapi berkat Guy Patterson iramanya diubah menjadi riang mirip lantunan lagu-lagu The Beatles. Karena di era itu, era 60 an banyak orang-orang khususnya anak muda yang menggandrungi band The Beatles. Nama band mereka yaitu The Oneders diadopsi dari frase kata The-One-Ders, oleh saran Faye Dolan pacarnya Jimmy. Faye Dolan mendapat inspirasi dari komentar Guy Patterson yang pernah bercerita tentang musik.

Hanya sebentar saja, The Oneders sudah menjadi bintang di festival musik tersebut dan dielu-elukan oleh puluhan gadis. Nama The Oneders pun, semakin populer di perusahaan rekaman, bahkan perusahaan rekaman eksekutif yaitu Play-Tone, milik Mr White (Tom Hanks). Mr White juga terpikat dengan penampilan The Oneders dalam festival musik itu. Ia mengontrak dan memanajeri The Oneders. Di bawah binaan Mr White, The Onders berkibar menjadi band yang dipuja. Single mereka, That Thing You Do ! memuncaki berbagai tangga lagu, termasuk Billboard yang prestisius. Atas saran Mr White, Guy dan kawan-kawan mengganti nama The Oneders menjadi The Wonders.

Namun ditengah kepopuleran nama band mereka, para personel mengalami hubungan yang kurang baik. Hubungan asmara pun, jadi pemicunya. Faye Dolan (Liv Tyler), yang semula setia pada Jimmy, beralih menyukai Guy. Faye kesal Jimmy tak pernah memperhatikannya. Jimmy malah marah ketika hubungannya dengan Faye dibongkar pers. Ia khawatir kehilangan cinta gadis-gadis pemujanya. Masalah ini bikin The Wonders pecah.

Finally, Guy mendeklarasikan cintanya pada Faye Dolan hingga diketahui publik. Mereka pergi ke Los Angeles dan menikah di sana. Beberapa tahun kemudian mengangkat 4 orang anak sebelum mereka pindah ke Bainbridge Island, Washington. Di kota ini mereka menemukan sebuah sekolah music, dan di sinilah tempatnya Guy mengajarkan komposisi music Jazz.

Sementara itu Jimmy, mantan kekasih Faye Dolan join kembali dengan perusahaan rekaman Play-Tone. Dia merekam sebanyak 3 album emasnya dengan band bentukannya yang baru, yaitu The Heardsmen. Sedangkan rekan-rekan lainnya menjalankan profesi yang berbeda-beda, ada yang menjadi manajer kasino dan ada yang menjadi seorang kontraktor bangunan.

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Date Released : 14 May 2009
Quality : DVDRip -FxM
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Starring : Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Moon B
Genre : Action | Advanture | Scifi
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Pada 2018, super komputer Skynet menjadi tidak terkendali dan melancarkan serangan nuklir kepada manusia. Hampir seluruh penduduk di bumi musnah, namun sebagian masih bertahan dan membentuk pasukan pemberontak yang bertujuan menghancurkan Skynet dan mesin-mesinnya. Salah satu pemimpin pemberontak tersebut adalah John Connor (Christian Bale)

Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), seorang dengan masa lalu sebagai pembunuh yang dieksekusi mati pada tahun 2003. Marcus bangkit pada tahun 2018 dan ingin mengetahui apa yang terjadi pada dirinya setelah dieksekusi. Marcus merupakan salah satu percobaan dari Skynet. Dia lupa ingatan dan tidak tahu siapa dirinya.

Connor menyerang sebuah markas Skynet yang ternyata dipenuhi tahanan manusia. Serangan tersebut gagal dan Connor menjadi satu-satunya yang selamat. Setelah Connor pergi, Marcus keluar dari markas yang hancur tersebut. Marcus ternyata separuh robot dan akhirnya bertemu dengan Connor dan bekerjasama masuk ke pusat operasi Skynet.

Arnold Schwarzenegger akan tetap muncul dalam film ini sebagai bintang tamu sebagai robot T800 yang bertarung dengan Connor dan Marcus namun hanya dalam bentuk animasi komputer.
( sumber : cinema3satu )



Date Released : 2 July 2003
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nick Stahl
Genre : Action | Sci-Fi

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SEPULUH tahun telah berlalu. Namun trauma masih membekas dalam benak John Connor. Kini dia sangat alergi pada listrik dan mesin. Connor, yang sejak kecil diprediksi akan memimpin manusia melawan mesin, rela hidup tanpa pekerjaan, telepon, dan kartu kredit. Semua dilakukan agar tidak terdeteksi oleh Skynet, jaringan mesin pintar yang dulu pernah coba membunuhnya.

Sejak jaringannya terinfeksi virus, Skynet memandang manusia sebagai musuh yang harus dihancurkan. Jaringan ini lantas mengirim cyborg canggih berlabel T-X. Mesin pembunuh ini tidak hanya mengincar Connor. Orang lain yang di masa depan diprediksi akan memimpin perang melawan mesin, menjadi target T-X. Salah satunya adalah Kate Brewster.

Bukan perkara mudah melawan T-X. Pasalnya, kekuatan robot ini maha tangguh. Ia bahkan mampu mengendalikan mesin hingga berubah bentuk menjadi orang lain. Persoalan menjadi lain tatkala Terminator muncul. Terminator yang dulu ingin membunuh Connor, berubah melindungi.

Ia memang bukan Terminator yang dulu, melainkan produk cyborg sejenis yang sudah diprogram ulang. Terminator seri ini datang dari masa depan untuk menjaga agar Connor dan Brewster tetap hidup. Pasalnya, dalam Terminator 3, Judgement Day benar-benar terjadi.

Sementara itu, Skynet berubah menjadi mesin yang membunuh manusia. Semua sistem komputer terinfeksi virus. Akibatnya, tidak hanya sistem telekomunikasi dan jaringan global kacau, namun juga merambah ke tempat penyimpanan ledak nuklir, di seantero dunia. Dunia pun terancam luluh lantak oleh nuklir yang tak terkendali.

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Dated Released : 16 July 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
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Starring : Ali Zafar, Seema Bhargava, Akash Dhar
Genre : Comedy
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Ali Hassan (Ali Zafar) is a reporter with Danka TV, a downmarket local TV channel in Karachi. He is keen to migrate to the US for a better life, but his Visa application has been refused six times in seven years. While covering a local event for his channel, he comes across an Osama Bin Laden look-alike, Noora, and hits upon an idea to make a fake Osama tape. He manages to convince his assistant Gul about the merits of his plan. With help from his travel agent's assistant Zoya and a local radio jockey Quereshi, he is able to make the tape by tricking Noora into unknowingly posing as Bin Laden. He then sells the tape to the owner of his channel, hoping to raise money for a new false identity, a new passport and a renewed attempt at getting the elusive US Visa. However, the gravity of their action strikes them when the US Government takes the tape seriously and gets involved, as do the Pakistani intelligence agencies. A series of comic situations follow as they attempt to elude the authorities on their trail.

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Dated Released : 15 January 2009
Quality : BRRip 720
Info :
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Starring : Russell Crowe, Jon Foster, Sophie Traub
Genre : Crime | Drama | Thriller
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Three lives. Buffalo detective Lt. Cristofuoro, whose catatonic wife is in hospital, takes a special interest in Eric Komenko, a juvenile who killed his parents and will be freed on his 18th birthday. So has Lori Cranston, 15 or 16, her body fully developed and the object of lust by her boss and her mother's new boyfriend. She keeps a scrapbook about Eric, and when he's released from custody, she hides in the backseat of his car, insisting he take her with him on a trip toward Albany where he's planning to meet a girl. Cristofuoro is certain Eric will kill again, so he follows. It's clear early on that Cristofuoro's probably right, but what's Lori's motivation?

(by c3p0t)
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Dated Released : 31 December 2009
Quality : BRRip 720p
Info :
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Starring : Josh Lucas, Lena Headey, Beatrice Miller
Genre : Drama | Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
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ELL TALE (hitting DVD and Blu-ray May 25 from Genius Products/Vivendi Entertainment) is a movie that serves as a metaphor for itself on a couple of levels. It’s about a physical heart that’s transplanted from one body to another; the script transplants Edgar Allan Poe’s 19th-century classic story “The Tell-Tale Heart” into a 21st-century chiller; and the direction by Michael Cuesta, in concert with the performances, transplants an unusual amount of figurative heart into what could have played as B-movie material.
After opening with a juicy operation sequence, the movie settles in with Terry Bernard (Josh Lucas), the recipient of the new ticker who has another medical situation occupying his attention: His young daughter Angela (Beatrice Miller) has a genetic disorder that requires frequent visits to the family doctor, Elizabeth Clemson (Lena Headey). Terry and Elizabeth’s professional interactions are starting to develop into a personal relationship, to Angela’s approval, and there’s a warmth and charm to the trio’s early scenes together that quickly gets the audience on their side. The byplay between Terry and Angela is free of the precocious wisecrackery that often passes for father-daughter dialogue, and the burgeoning attraction between him and Elizabeth feels honest and lived-in.
Too bad it’s not just the beautiful doctor who soon has Terry’s heart beating faster. During a visit to the hospital, he starts getting that ominous thump-thump in his head when he crosses paths with a certain worker—one whom he discovers was involved in his transplant. This leads to a confrontation that doesn’t end well, and it soon becomes clear that Dave Callaham’s screenplay is pulling an inversion of the Poe “Tale.” Instead of serving as a signifier of the protagonist’s guilt, the noisy organ signals the guilt of others—compelling its recipient to act on its impulses.
The notion of a transplanted organ grafting the consciousness of its original owner into the new body housing it is a time-honored one in horror fare, and in many ways, TELL TALE follows the expected playbook. Terry struggles with the violent impulses inside him as the heart seems to develop a mind of its own; his interactions with his loved ones become strained; a detective (the welcome Brian Cox) investigates; a conspiracy is uncovered. Throughout, however, Cuesta keeps his focus on the personal drama and treats the material with as straight a face as possible. There are moments when one can feel the tension between the story’s more genre-melodramatic moments and the director’s emphasis on real-world concerns, but he succeeds in making his characters relatable and their situations compelling. Lucas very convincingly inhabits his haunted role, while Headey and Miller offer appealing support and Cox brings sardonic edge to his investigator, who comes to be a bit more approving of Terry’s actions than one might expect.
This is not to say, however, that Cuesta doesn’t deliver the goods for horror audiences. His recent credits include several episodes of DEXTER, after all, and part of the verisimilitude he brings to TELL TALE involves not looking away when the going gets nasty. There are a few grisly highlights here that are all the more startling for being set amidst such a down-to-earth milieu, and Elvis Jones’ anatomically correct makeup FX help create some pretty squirmy moments. All of the craft contributions, in fact, are first-rate, which is no surprise given that Ridley and Tony Scott were behind the project as producers. Particularly noteworthy are the cinematography by WENDIGO’s Terry Stacey, which amps up the atmosphere without overdoing either the gloss or the grit, and Patti Podesta’s production design, which makes the interiors and exteriors of Providence, RI (Poe’s old stamping grounds) variously homey and menacing.
Unlike fellow literary-horror favorite H.P. Lovecraft, Poe has had most of his notable film adaptations done as period pieces, but TELL TALE demonstrates that his themes can successfully be adapted to fit the modern day as well. Even as the film’s particulars are thoroughly contemporary, the author’s descent-into-madness motifs remain present (and a key line from “Tell-Tale Heart” is even spoken verbatim by one of the onscreen characters). While its match between heartfelt drama and blood-pumping terror may occasionally be irregular, TELL TALE pulls it off more often than not, and may get your heart pounding and blood freezing at a number of intervals.

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